Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ VIDCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: ZaZa Ali And Dr. Tommy Curry “Are Black...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: ZaZa Ali And Dr. Tommy Curry “Are Black Women Leaving Black Men Behind?”


Dr. Vibe hosts the conversation Are Black Women Leaving Black Men Behind? with ZaZa Ali and Dr. Tommy J. Curry.

To listen to an audio only version of this conversation please click on the “>” symbol on the player below the video image in this post.

ZaZa Ali is a Mother, Teacher, Activist, Radio Personality and Self-Published Author. Her first book, entitled Black Matters, Volume One – The Scientific Intervention in Our Affairs, was released in May of 2015. Volume Two – Plagues of Dysfunction, was released in December of 2016. Her third and final edition of the trilogy “Black Matters”, entitled Lifting the Veil on Racism and White Supremacy is set to be released in the Summer of 2017. A frequent speaker on behalf of women and children, ZaZa has done extensive research on the cultural norms impacting the Black community, as well as the global dichotomy of racism and it’s impact on the human family. Her popular and growing presence on social media, fueled by what some consider controversial perspectives, has aided in her work to implement programs for privately owned schools as well as provide financial assistance for women and small business owners. The message to audiences of every demographic remains the same; Self-Accountability and an Emphasis on Truth, Spiritual Development and Service to Others is the key to (R)Evolution.

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Dr. Tommy J. Curry
Dr. Tommy J. Curry

Tommy J. Curry is a Professor of Philosophy at Texas A&M University. He is a Ray A. Rothrock Fellow and has commented on social matters in venues ranging from Forbes, to Sirius XM. He is the author of over 50 articles on issues of racism, anti-Black violence, and the institutionalization of Black male death. He is working on a forthcoming books on Black male vulnerability entitled the Man-Not, and the Eschatology of Kanye West. Dr. Curry is a strong advocate and thinker for the reconceptualization of Black men and boys. He is adamant that the arguments used to justify their death and incarceration by Black and white scholars alike must be challenged.

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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