The Dr. Vibe Show: Mary C. Curtis
We are very happy and pleased to have Mary C. Curtis back on our show.
Mary C. Curtis is an award-winning multimedia journalist based in...
The Dr. Vibe Show: Live Tonight At 9 P.M. EST/6 P.M....
Clive Henry, one of our regular guests, will be our show live tonight at 9 p.m. EST/6 p.m. PST. Clive will be talking about...
The Dr. Vibe Show: Live Tonight At 8 P.M. EST/5 P.M.... (BMC) and (BCG) are excited to announce the Inaugural Black Man Can Awards! Recognizing accomplishments within the community and professional arenas, the...
The Dr. Vibe Show: Mark Cummings – BBPA 2012 Distinguished Men...
On March 27, 2012, the Black Business and Professional Association (Toronto, @TheBBPA) held its second edition of the Distinguished Men Of Honour Awards. The...
The Dr. Vibe Show: Rehaset Yohannes And Raven Dauda – Rock.paper.sistahz...
The 11th annual rock.paper.sistahz festival is running from Fri May 4th - Fri May 11th . The festival has something for everyone with over...
The Dr. Vibe Show: Tamar-Melissa C. Huggins – CEO Of Driven...
Tamar-Melissa C. Huggins is the 26 year old CEO of Driven Accelerator Group and Knexxion Communication Group. The Driven Accelerator Group is geared to...
The Dr. Vibe Show: Alan Roger Currie
Alan Roger Currie is author of three books who was referred to us by author Norwood Holland. He is the author of three books,...
The Dr. Vibe Show: Chris Brown “Saving The Open Internet: The...
Chris Brown, Greenlining Institute Legal Associate, currently lives in Albany, California and is a JD candidate at UC Berkeley School of Law. Before attending...
The Dr. Vibe Show: Dr. Dwayne Buckingham “Qualified, Yet Single: Why...
Dwayne L. Buckingham, Ph.D., LCSW, BCD is a highly -acclaimed international clinical psychotherapist, relationship expert, life skills consultant, speaker, author, and facilitator. He is...
The Dr. Vibe Show: Hugh Lawson – Stand Up Conference For...
Hugh Lawson is the director of business development at Staples Canada. He was born in Toronto, Ontario of Jamaican parents.
During our conversation, Hugh...