The Dr. Vibe Show™: How Black Women Are Leading The #BlackLivesMatter...
While recent protests have focused on the deaths of black men, it's black women who are leading the charge.
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The Dr. Vibe Show™: Obama On Race – Americans Carry ‘Hidden...
The Dr. Vibe Show™: Obama On Race - Americans Carry 'Hidden Biases,' But Are 'Basically Good'
The Dr. Vibe Show™: Verna Myers “You Can Help Stop The...
In this talk, cultural innovator Vernā Myers shares some hard truths about racial injustices, (including the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO), and offers us three ways we can uncover our biases, overcome our discomfort and make a difference in the lives of black men and our society as a whole.
The Dr. Vibe Show™: Tavis Smiley – Obama Needs To Lead...
Tavis Smiley tells CNN's Don Lemon thoughts on President Obama's leadership on race issues and what Martin Luther King Jr. would do.
The Dr. Vibe Show™: Giuliani Addresses ‘Black On Black Crime’
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson got into a heated exchange over policing in black communities on a recent edition of NBC's "Meet The Press".
The Dr. Vibe Show™: History Of Food, Race And Identity In...
Psyche Williams-Forson, Raul Reyes, Sunny Anderson and Jelani Cobb join Melissa Harris-Perry to look at the complex connections between the history of food, race and gender.
The Dr. Vibe Show™: Melissa Harris-Perry ‘A decade of young black...
Melissa Harris-Perry of MSNBC talks about the recent arc of racial injustice in America, putting the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner in the context of the last decade of “assault on the dignity and bodies of black people that goes unrecognized and unpunished.”
The Dr. Vibe Show™: Charles Barkley And Kenny Smith Openly Talk...
Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith openly talk about Ferguson on Inside The NBA last night.
The Dr. Vibe Show™: Charles Barkley “We never talk about race...
CNN's Brooke Baldwin talks to Charles Barkley about race and police brutality in light of recent stories.
The Dr. Vibe Show™: Cornel West “Ferguson Signifies End Of Age...
Recently, Professor Cornel West appeared on CNN International this afternoon to give his take on Ferguson, and said right at the outset, “Ferguson signifies the end of the age of Obama."