Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: 2018 Men’s and Women’s Summit On Masculinity –...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: 2018 Men’s and Women’s Summit On Masculinity – Carol Schulte

Carol Schulte

The 2018 Men’s and Women’s Summit On Masculinity is in Toronto on November 18, 2018:

– It is a one-day coed event featuring 7 stellar speakers
– Features a vendor area to meet the top Men’s Organizations in Toronto
– Allows you to learn more about yourself and how you can be the contribution to your relationships, community, and experience greater success and freedom
– Provide the opportunity to leverage the Summit as a resource to transform yourself and your community
– Connects you with a community of like-minded Men and Women who want to live better lives
Dr. Warren Farrell is the Keynote speaker for this year’s Men’s and Women’s Summit on Masculinity. Dr. Farrell will be talking about The Boy Crisis

One of the speakers at this year’s summit is Carol Schulte.

International speaker, trainer and certified coach, Carol has taught communication, organizational, and presentational skills in the US, Germany, and in Canada for the better part of a decade. She holds a BFA in Theatre Performance, an MA in Communication, and two postgraduate certificates in coaching and mentoring.

She has lived, worked, and/or volunteered in 16 countries including Thailand, India, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, the US, the UK, and has visited 38 countries. Carol is also a volunteer bereavement facilitator and camp counselor, marathon runner, and yoga instructor.

During our conversation, Carol talked about:

– Some of her background including pursuing a career in theatre and the performance arts
– Overcoming her feeling that she was not good enough
– The importance of her mother in her life and she overcame her loss
– Her journey finding her purpose with her life
– The story behind Speak Your Genius program
– Her heart for service and her love of adventure
– Why she hid her upbringing for many years
Bravery killers
– Some background her topic for the Summit
– Her thoughts on the word authentic and how it relates to one’s dream
– The top five regrets of the dying
– what she wants the audience to get from her talk at the Summit

You can contact Carol via:

Women Living Big
Women Living Big – Facebook
Women Living Big – Twitter

For more information about The 2018 Men’s and Women’s Summit on Masculinity including how to attend in person or viewing the Summit online, the VIP Event – an evening with Dr. Warren Farrell on Saturday Night November 17th (an interactive evening with Dr. Farrell and other leaders working together on addressing issues facing our sons) and who will be speaking during the Summit on Sunday, November 18th, please click here.

Please feel free to email us at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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