Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Al Jazeera America’s Tonya Mosley “Black In the...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Al Jazeera America’s Tonya Mosley “Black In the Whitest City”

Tonya Mosley
Tonya Mosley

Tonya Mosley, an award winning journalist is a regular contributor to Al Jazeera America, the U.S. cable news channel that covers both domestic and international news. Please find out more about her on tonyamosley.com. Al Jazeera America is available around the U.S. on Comcast, Time Warner Channel, Dish Channel 215, DirecTV Channel 347 and Verizon Fios Channel 614.

Ms. Mosley was on show talking about, Black in the Whitest City, her contribution to the Al Jazeera America series Race in America.

In Black in the Whitest City, Ms. Radford examines what it’s like to be Black in Seattle, Washington. Seattle is the fastest growing big city in the United States, attributed to the city’s healthy economy – but there’s one area where the city continues to lag. According to the latest Census numbers, Seattle is getting “whiter” – in fact, it’s the fifth whitest major city in the nation. Mosley looks at what it’s like for recent black transplants to form a life in a city that is becoming homogeneous.

During our conversation, Ms. Mosley talked about:

– How she ended up in Seattle
– Seattle’s rapid growth with it the fifth Whitest major city in America with the number of minorities continuing to shrink in Seattle
– How she approached the piece
– The current environment for Blacks in Seattle and how are Blacks addressing it
– The relationship between the old guard and new guard Blacks in Seattle
– Why are Blacks leaving Seattle and where are they are going
– The importance of social media to current civil rights movement in America
– A special moment from her time in Seattle
– Her call to action for Blacks and non-Blacks in Seattle

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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