Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Claudette Ferguson And Murphy Brown Of Ebony Toastmasters

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Claudette Ferguson And Murphy Brown Of Ebony Toastmasters


Toasmasters International

Claudette Ferguson and Murphy Brown are members of Ebony Toastmasters.

During our conversations, they talk about:

– A little about their backgrounds
– How they found out about Ebony Toastmasters and their first speech
– How Ebony Toastmasters helped them in their everyday life
– What skills have they learned from being part of Ebony Toastmasters
– Some of their memorable presentations at Ebony Toastmasters
– How Ebony Toastmasters helped them in other areas of their life outside of doing presentations
– Why should people come to Ebony Toastmasters

You can connect with Ebony Toastmasters via:

Ebony Toastmasters is held every Monday at 6:45 p.m. at 791 St. Clair Avenue West in Toronto (Click on the following link to see the map: https://maps.google.ca/maps?q=791+St+Clair+Avenue,+Toronto,+ON&hl=en&ll=43.680707,-79.429908&spn=0.009016,0.013797&sll=43.682541,-79.420451&sspn=0.009016,0.013797&hnear=791+St+Clair+Ave+W,+Toronto,+Toronto+Division,+Ontario+M6G+3P7&t=m&z=16)

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,

Dr. Vibe

2012 Black Weblog Awards Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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