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The Dr. Vibe Show™: Corey Booker Gets Emotional Grilling Kirstjen Nielson On President Trump’s Comments 1/16/18


During today’s Senate hearing, Cory Booker called out DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen over her comments about President Donald Trump‘s reported remarks. Booker expressed that he was “seething with anger” over this, telling Nielsen, “You’re under oath. You and others in that room… suddenly cannot remember.” He quoted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others before bringing up the President’s infamous “very fine people” comments about “When the Commander-in-Chief speaks or refuses to speak,” Booker said, “those words just don’t dissipate like mist in the air. They fester. They become poison. They give license to and hate in our country.”

He directed this message specifically to Nielsen: “The Commander-in-Chief in an Oval Office meeting referring to people from with the most vile and vulgar language. That language festers when ignorance and bigotry is aligned with power. It is force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is complicity.”

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Dr. Vibe
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