Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ VIDCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Dr. Deborah Fuqua “How To Become An Effective...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Dr. Deborah Fuqua “How To Become An Effective Leader – Part One”


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With over 20 years of workforce development experience in the federal government, Deborah Fuqua is an advocate for human resource development for private and public sector organizations. Considered an expert in the field of organizational leadership, she is a frequent speaker at organizations and conferences nationwide, covering topics related to educational leadership, women as leaders, leadership development, employee development, emotional intelligence, diversity and inclusion, effective communication, and other leadership related topics. Dr. Fuqua teaches, encourages, and motivates others to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Dr. Fuqua holds an undergraduate degree in Management Studies, a graduate degree in Human Resources Development, and her Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership.

Dr. Fuqua is the author of Secure Your Cape a Women’s Motivational Leadership book. She also co-authored a textbook for colleges and universities across the United States, Cultivating a Culture of Nonviolence in Early Childhood Development Centers and Schools.

Dr. Fuqua is a certified Time to Teach trainer; Classroom Management. She is also certified in Diversity and Inclusion and Workers’ Compensation. She is a board member of the National Call Dad Program and she is also a member of the Black Doctoral Network Association, Eastern Education Research Association, Diversity and Inclusion Center with University of Phoenix and a member of the National Congress of Black Women, Inc.

Recently, Dr. Fuqua was on our show talking about How To Become An Effective Leader – Part One.

During the conversation, Dr. Fuqua talked about:

– Some her background including some memories growing up in Virginia
– Where did she get her drive to pursue education
– Some memories of her world travels
– Some stories from her leadership journey
– Her leadership model including her five different leadership styles
– The fact that autocratic leadership is still prevalent in organizations
– If all styles of leadership have a limited lifespan
– How do you steer an employee from a negative work ethic to a positive work ethic
– If companies are taking diversity and leadership training seriously
– Why she feels that there is a leadership crisis
– The importance of ethical behaviour when it comes to leadership
– If it is difficult for her to lead men
– How does she handle the situation when she deals with someone who has more leadership qualities than she has

You can contact Dr. Fuqua via:

Dr. D’s Leadership Corner
Text: (843) 730-1187

Please feel free to email The Dr. Vibe Show™ at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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