Home BLACK MEN TALKING™ The Dr. Vibe Show™: Dr. Paul Miller “The School To Prison Pipeline”

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Dr. Paul Miller “The School To Prison Pipeline”


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Dr. Paul Miller is the Principal and CEO of Green Tech High Charter School, a highly successful school for boys in Albany, NY. An expert in urban education, Dr. Miller has specialized in school reform and redesign for over 20 years, counseling school officials and administrators on effective strategies to increase performance among black males and establish a culture of success. He has committed his life to educating and empowering low-income urban youth with the intention to facilitate change and undo the trend of academic underachievement that often plagues young black men from the inner city. The passion did not begin with his professional career, but was implanted in him as a youth growing up in the projects of Rochester, NY. Similar to many of his students, Dr. Miller understands the challenges that often knock young minority men off-course and hinder their ability to reach their full potential. However, he teaches students not to be victims, but to use adversity as fuel to succeed and rise above their circumstances.

Since taking over Green Tech in 2012, Dr. Miller has turned the school into one of the best in New York State. Under his leadership, graduation rates have soared – reaching an impressive 95% with a 100% college acceptance rate for graduates. In addition, students have earned over $25 million in scholarships, compared to only $200,000 before he arrived. Dr. Miller has been recognized by the City of Albany as a Man of Valor, and as one of the top 40 Under 40 African American Leaders by the City of Rochester, among many other accomplishments. He is often invited to speak to students and to offer strategic counsel to school leaders on improving school systems and more effectively engaging students. Dr. Miller has emerged as one of the top and most highly sought after urban education leaders in the nation.

Recently, Dr. Miller was live on our show talking about his article The School to Prison Pipeline.

During our conversation, Dr. Miller talked about:

– His experience with young people during the pandemic
– Being successful with his students with two-thirds of the funding that public school receives
– Systems that he and his team have put in place to set his students up for success
– His message for parents who are not happy with at pandemic schooling of their child(ren)
– The background behind the article
– Some ways that the education system is failing many African Americans and some of the ways that the education system is holding African American students back
– The importance of building systems that working for black and brown children in school
– The low graduation rate of African American males and some of his thoughts about this situation and the impact that the pandemic has had on this situation
– Some reasons why so many Black men ending up in prison and what can be done to change this
– His thoughts on some of the challenges that American public schools are having
– Some things that Black parents can do to produce better outcomes for their child(ren) in regards to school
– Black students and special education
– If the education system is concerned about the school to prison pipeline
– Having a system to evaluate teachers performance in public schools

You can connect with Dr. Miller via:

Greentech Charter High School
We Need To Do Better: Changing the Mindset of Children Through Family, Community, and Education – Amazon

Please feel free to email us at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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