Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ TAKES The Dr. Vibe Show: Dwayne Morgan “Newtown: A Response”

The Dr. Vibe Show: Dwayne Morgan “Newtown: A Response”

Dwayne Morgan
Dwayne Morgan

One of the friends of our show, poet, speaker and social entrepneur , Dwayne Morgan, has written a poem about the tragedy last Friday at a public school in Newtown, Connecticut in which twenty children and six adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School.


Newtown: A Response by Dwayne Morgan

They say that you can’t teach and old dog new tricks,
But Newtown will never be able to return to its old ways,
Its innocence has been stolen forever,
Lives have been shattered like shards of broken glass,
While those of us outside of its borders
Stand helplessly,
Frozen in disbelief,
Wishing that there were something more that we could do.

Every morning,
It’s the same routine;
Two pairs of feet,
Walkidown the street
To meet the school bus.
For us,
We think nothing of it,
We hug,
I wish her a good day,
With the expectation that I will see her
when the bus returns,
but there are moments that remind us
that the World can be even scarier than it seems,
creating more questions,
than we can ever find answers to,
reminding us that our safety is just a myth.
How could something like this happen?
Twenty kids,
Six adults,
Hundreds of dreams,
Thousands of lives destroyed in an instant,
by a broken man,
Using legal weapons of mass destruction
For their intended purpose,
But these were children,
Precious, innocent gifts;
Clearly, nothing is sacred.
As useless as they may be,
Tears were my only offerings,
The only things I could summon to give,
When I heard of the news.
I sat, glued to my TV,
Feeling guilty that my daughter would come home,
Unable to imagine the indescribable pain,
Of losing a child in this way,
The tarnished holidays,
The gifts that will never be opened,
Forgoing picking out trees for picking out plots,
The good night kisses that will grow cold on lips,
The agony of not being there
To comfort them in their passing.
So I write this, heartbroken,
Sitting miles away,
But sharing in this grief,
That as parents we feel deep
In the marrow of our souls.

On Friday, I left home a few minutes early
To wait for the bus,
Ready to embrace her tightly for reasons
She may never know.
Our routine of watching the news,
And dissecting the days events was put on hold,
There are some things that she just doesn’t need to know.
What is important is that she is loved, cherished,
And is the sparkle in her father’s eye,
And though it is no comfort,
Newtown now has twenty little angels
Watching over it from the sky.


We would like thank Dwayne for sharing this with us.

You can connect with Dwayne via:

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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