Richard House can count on one hand the number of black men who have taught him in a classroom setting and that is not okay. Click on the link below to read more.
Column: How I learned my own value as a black male teacher | PBS NewsHour
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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
Producer of Google+ Hangouts – The Good Men Project
The Dr. Vibe Show™ At “The Good Men Project”
One of the first Brand Ambassador’s – Cuisine Noir Magazine
The Dr. Vibe Show™ Channel
Dr. Vibe – Producer And Co-host of Black Men Talking On WJMS Radio
Dr. Vibe on HuffPost Live – August 2, 2013
2013 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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