Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ VIDCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Jeff A.D. Martin “KNew Me: 10 Men 10...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Jeff A.D. Martin “KNew Me: 10 Men 10 Stories of Perseverance”


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Over the last two-and-a-half years, a medical surgeon, a police officer, a former college professor, a life coach, a professional athlete, a child and youth worker, a community support worker and several entrepreneurs from Toronto have quietly been working on a joint venture. This venture is being launched in the form of a book which they co-authored. The name of the book is KNew Me: 10 Men 10 Stories of Perseverance.

This informative book reveals stories and insights from many different perspectives, mostly from the authors personal anecdotes. Provided are methods and mindsets that can be used to overcome or better yet circumvent many dead-end decisions. The book is aimed at boys and men but with such valuable lessons from various walks of life, there is something in it for everyone!

In life, we often face many challenges and hardships. From relationship mistakes, identity issues, not fitting society’s mold of who they believe we should be, or simply not knowing what our next step is in life.

On some days, it feels as if everything is absolutely great! Other days it appears we’ve stumbled and fallen and no matter how much we try, it is so difficult to get back up.

Please know that while you fail, while you stumble, while you are trying to navigate through what’s happening in your life, understand that you are not alone in your journey! In this book, you will read open and honest stories about the everyday man, who has had his share of struggles but found his way to become the best version of himself that he could ever be.

This book is not about 10 men who fell down along their journey of life. This book is about 10 individuals who after falling, through resiliency, tenacity and discipline, found it within themselves to stand back up!

As a result of Jeff A.D. Martin’s work as an empowerment speaker, author of a critically acclaimed children’s book, and host of the globally downloaded podcast, Jeff has inspired others to step through their biggest fears, pursue their most unnerving passions and find their life’s purpose. Jeff is an award winning International public speaking contest winner and simply wants to see people step into their greatness!

Recently, Jeff was on our show talking about his contribution to KNew Me: 10 Men 10 Stories of Perseverance.

During the conversation, Jeff talked about:

– Some of his background
– His parents being an anchor when he was growing and what made his parents special when he was growing up
– Where did he get his servant heart from
– The first time he did public speaking
– The vision and story behind the book including why Black men are featured in the book
– The process in finding the ten authors of the book
– The “ugly gift” and why did he write about it
– His internal battle overcoming the death of a close associate due to gun violence in 2005 while working for the Toronto police service, what would he like to say to that person and his what he wants his legacy to be for that person
– The moment when an “angel” walked in his life
– What he wants his legacy to be
– The importance of gratitude in his life
– About what his life would be without his belief in God
– The role of patience in his life
– Realizing that this is not just a book but a movement
– Memories of the January 11, 2020 book launch
– What the journey has taught him
– A special moment that he has experienced
– A message for people who are going through struggle

You can find out more about KNew Me: 10 Men 10 Stories of Perseverance via:


You can find out more about Jeff via:


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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