Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ VIDCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Jen Buck

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Jen Buck


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With 34 years of experience as a Professional Speaker and Trainer, Jen Buck’s strength and conviction on the platform have earned her standing ovations and rave reviews, around the world. She began her career in the banking and finance world working for Discover Card, when it was a start-up, and spent ten years as a leader in a training role, where she honed her craft in leadership and employee development.

Jen has spoken to countless numbers of people throughout her 24 year professional speaking career and has delivered keynotes and workshops in front of audiences ranging from 10- 25,000 people. She focuses on leadership and management and is committed to helping teams thrive in an equitable, supportive, and uplifting environment. She has written six books and she is a Certified Professional Coach who helps people increase their potential so that they can achieve higher levels of success. She has trained and coached 4-Star Generals, the highest-level executives at Coca-Cola and Walmart, and even an Emmy nominated actress—the demand for her knowledge and perspective is very broad. She has recently started an online learning academy for high-performing women and strives to be the driving source of information and development for women who are leading organizations.

Jen Buck is also the founder and director of a nonprofit organization that helps families in need in Phoenix, Arizona. Jen has founded several not-for-profit organizations and community action groups over the years, including a disaster recovery coalition that provided aid on-ground after the Shawnee tornadoes in Oklahoma, as well as a home for at-risk girls in Uganda. Finally, Jen also works in politics as a Chief of Staff for U.S. Congressional and Senatorial candidates and is committed to inspiring change and being an active contributor to the political landscape.

Recently, Ms. Buck was live on our show.

During our conversation, Ms. Buck talked about:

– Growing up in Southern California, the only girl with six brothers and being the youngest sibling
– Her parents divorcing when she was two and remarrying when she was four, they co-parenting successfully and how it impacted her
– The love of her stepparents and them being her soulmates when she was a child and how it has impacted her as a stepparent
– Not being the educational type and how Joan Rivers influenced her entering the world of public speaking
– At nineteen years old going from being a waitress to becoming a trainer for the Discover Card for ten years
– Leaving the Discovery Card to becoming a professional speaker
– Her first big brake as a professional speaker
– Presenting to four and five star generals
– A story about WalMart culture
– The change in corporate culture during her journey
– Women and leadership and the great resignation
– Parental leave and equity

You can contact Ms. Buck at:


Please feel free to email us at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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