Home DADS TALKING™ The Dr. Vibe Show™: Joshua Zawadi “Dads Talking™”

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Joshua Zawadi “Dads Talking™”


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Joshua Zawadi, the owner and founder of Melanated Daddy is a fatherhood and mental health advocacy platform that celebrates the process of parenting and unpacking trauma to heal in order to be intentional figures in the lives of their children.

Joshua Zawadi is also the man behind the Dad Doula and Dad Connect programs. The mission of Dad Doula is to provide resources, and guidance for the non-birthing parent as they plan to support the birthing person during the pregnancy, labor and delivery and thereafter. This is done by learning how to advocate, and support with intentional presence. This service is extended to expecting parents, new again parents and parents looking to re-enter their children’s lives. Dad Connect is simply a curated space for Dad’s to come together and connect, vent, and learn from one another in a safe space.

Josh Zawadi is an Army Veteran, husband, biological and bonus dad to four children. He is a lover of Christ and believes in community. His passion of fatherhood is rooted in the belief that Iron Sharpens Iron.

Recently, Joshua was on Dads Talking™.

During our conversation, Joshua talked about:

– Some of his story including being adopted at the age of three, including him and his wife choosing their married name
– Being born in Newark, New Jersey, adopted at three years old moving to Milwaukee, going to college for two semesters then joining the army, served in the army for ten years and then retired and living in a truck for a while,
– An incredible story about him almost committing suicide
– Going to the best high school in Milwaukee then going to the worst high school in Milwaukee and where is anger came from when he was younger
– His relationship with his mother
– The importance of his wife in his life
– His first job and joining the Army at seventeen years old
– Not having a good relationship with his mother until he became a father and advice for fathers that do not have a good relationship with their mothers
– Meeting his wife and how he proposed to her
– Dating his wife’s children
– When did he know what helping fathers and men would be part of his journey
– The story behind Dad Doula
– His biggest challenge with parenthood these days
– A challenging moment since he has been a father
– The three happiest moments in his life so far
– Some of the challenges men and fathers that they are going through that they share with him
– Many men who are alone
– When it comes to dads his message for women who want to be mothers, to mothers, for men who want to be fathers and for dads and fathers

You contact Joshua via:

Melanated Daddy
Dad Doula Sessions
Life With Zawadi Podcast

Please feel free to email us at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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