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The Dr. Vibe Show™: Karen Donaldson “Tips To Be More Confident When You Speak In Any Setting”


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Karen Donaldson is an award winning, #1 multi Best Selling Author. She is also the owner of Karen Donaldson Inc., and the brands Speak and Get Booked and Speak Confident. She is a Certified Confidence Coach, Communication and Body Language Expert, Executive Public Speaking Coach and International Speaker. Karen has been speaking and coaching for over 20 years, showing individuals exactly how to take powerful action and own their voice, increase their impact and confidence whenever they speak. She is the secret weapon behind many CEO’s, senior executives, successful entrepreneurs and politicians across North America and the UK, as she guides them and helps them to increase their capacity to authentically connect and engage as they lead and communicate. With her dynamic and interactive style as an expert speaker and coach, she moves her audience and clients into action and shows any “ready and willing” individual, how to become that leader who knows how to connect, engage and empower themselves and others. Karen has been a guest expert on both local and national media and is a sought after leader and certified expert in her industry.

Recently, Ms. Donaldson was live on our show talking about Tips To Be More Confident When You Speak In Any Setting.

During the conversation Ms. Donaldson talked about:

– Some of her background including getting pregnant in her final year of high school and losing most of her friends and losing faith in herself
– How her public speaking career and her speaking coach career began
– When did she decided to become an full time entrepreneur and what was her friends and family reaction
– Not always being confident when it came to public speaking and how she became confident
– “Confidence is a behaviour not a emotion which means it is a choice.”
– Her first client
– How has the public speaking environment changed during her journey
– The importance of testimonials/third party endorsements when building a speaking business
– Some tips when one is speaking publicly
– If she replays and listens and watches to her presentations
– How do you get rid of stage fright before you present and how to tailor your presentation to your audience
– Talking “off the cuff”
– Practicing your presentation via video
– Women who are assertive and confident and they are defined are aggressive and are called the “b word”
– What do her client come for help with when it comes to public speaking
– Her current average client
– Building self-belief
– Her client intake process

You can contact Ms. Donaldson via:

Karen Donaldson Inc.
Speak Confident
Speak And Get Booked
How To Live A Life With No Excuses: The Truth About Excuses, How To Stop Making Them and Start Getting Results
Speak Like You Breathe: 30 Lessons To Become A Naturally Confident Speaker
Phone: (416) 414-2082

Please feel free to email The Dr. Vibe Show™ at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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