Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ VIDCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: La Shawn Pagan “Forced Into Silence”

The Dr. Vibe Show™: La Shawn Pagan “Forced Into Silence”


Dr. Vibe speaks with La Shawn Pagan produced documetary Forced into Silence.

La Shawn Pagán is a writer, photographer, director, producer, and documentary filmmaker from Puerto Rico.

La Shawn was able to establish herself as a human rights violations-journalist at the United Nations; publishing several articles on femicide, child soldiers, as well as a series of articles on climate change. She also collaborated toward a book published by Aignos [pronounced ‘I know’] Publishing entitled There is No Cholera in Zimbabwe with an in depth essay on gender-based violence. She also worked for Aignos publication company as an editor and worked on the manuscripts of Theresa Varela (award winning novel Covering the Sun with My Hand, and Nights of Indigo Blue; a Daisy Muñiz Mystery) Ricardo Rodriguez (Aventuras Sureales de Dr. Mingus) Alvaro Leiva (Iwana – poetry book) and Jonathan Marcantoni (The Feast of San Sebastian). In addition to being an editor, La Shawn also provided the photo that would make the cover to Varela’s debut novel (Sun). After two years of working for Aignos, La Shawn left the company to pursue filmmaking.

La Shawn attended the Colegio de Cinematografia, Artes y Televisión – CCAT (College of Cinematography, Arts and Television) in Bayamón Puerto Rico. During the time she began to develop her first documentary Forced into Silence which focused on male victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. During that time, she also co-wrote, wrote, directed, and produced several short films and digital poems. Including: El Viaje del Amor/The voyage of love, La Entrega, El Pasado esta Muerto, Forced into Silence (intro video), as well as Forced into Silence (first interviews), and For Mom.

She has also given talks about domestic violence and social awareness at La Guardia Community College in Long Island City, NY. As Silence was at a production standstill, La Shawn began filming and released Forever Boogies in collaboration with The Good Men Project – a short length documentary that features interviews an eclectic group of surfers and body boarders about their efforts to maintain a clean environment for the future of the sport – the film went on earn positive reviews and debuted at the 2015 Rincón International Film Festival.

Currently, she’s partnered up with the Puerto Rico Surf & Skate Club in their efforts to spread the word about their work with children who have been diagnosed with autism and down syndrome.

To find out more about La Shawn, please go to:


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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