Black Canada Talking™ is a live online event that provides Black Canadians opportunity to give their takes and POVs on stories that are of importance to them.
On today’s edition of Black Canada Talking™, our guest is Dr. Vidoll Regisford – Ph.D., M.Ed., S.S.W., R.P.
– Dr. Regisford is a registered psychotherapist and counselling practitioner, with the Ontario College of Registered Psychotherapist and the Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals
– Additionally, he is a certified Trauma & Critical Incident Stress Management specialist, serving police services, air traffic services, child protection agencies and insurance companies
– For more than 30 years, he has worked with children and youth in a variety of organizations, children’s mental health and recreational settings, incorporating various treatment modalities to effectively bring about change and wellness for his clients, their families and caregivers
– He has delivered training and skills-shops to foster parents, caregivers, caseworkers, social workers, leaders and management of detentions centers, foster homes and group homes
– These efforts have been awarded by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges, the Ontario Hospital Association, as well as international bodies focused on innovation in preventative health, such as the International Society of Blacks in Health Sciences and more
– His efforts to eradicate the barriers and stigma’s associated with mental health continue in the form of presentations, lectures, magazines and his radio program to a variety of audiences
– He has occupied positions in the non-profit/public sector, working in a variety of escalating leadership roles from Director to Vice-President, regionally and nationally, impacting Diversity and Inclusion in organizations
– He also serves as Principal of Knowledge Solutions and Associates, a general clinical and consulting practice to clients and organizations
Dr. Regisford will be live on our show today at 5 p.m. Eastern/2 p.m. Pacific. He will be talking about Black Canadians And Mental Health.
You can watch the conversation live today starting at 5 p.m. Eastern/2 p.m. Pacific via:
You can contact Dr. Regisford via:
Please feel free to email The Dr. Vibe Show™ at
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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
The Dr. Vibe Show™ At “The Good Men Project”
One of the first Brand Ambassador’s – Cuisine Noir Magazine
The Dr. Vibe Show™ Channel
Dr. Vibe – Producer And Co-host of Black Men Talking On WJMS Radio
Dr. Vibe on HuffPost Live – August 2, 2013
2013 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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