Home BLACK CANADA TALKING™ The Dr. Vibe Show™: Live Today At 5 P.M. Eastern/2 P.M. Pacific...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Live Today At 5 P.M. Eastern/2 P.M. Pacific – Black Canada Talking™


Black Canada Talking™ is a live online event that provides Black Canadians opportunity to give their takes and POVs on stories that are of importance to them.

Our guests on today’s episode of Black Canada Talking™ are Richard Miller and Rachel Xyminis-Chen of Keep6ix.

Richard and Rachel will be live on our show today at 5 p.m. Eastern/2 p.m. Pacific.

You can watch the conversation live today starting at 5 p.m. Eastern/2 p.m. Pacific via:


Keep6ix is a not-for-profit Toronto based organization, serving the Greater Toronto Area, that was founded in 2017 to make a meaningful difference in the lives of at risk youth from racialized communities who have been impacted by the criminal justice system.

Keep6ix offers various programs and services to help youth avoid going down a disempowering path towards incarceration. We also support and advocate for those who are currently incarcerated and provide post-release support so that they can overcome barriers and begin to pasitively re-build their lives within the community.

Keep6ix’s vision is to …

– Support criminalized and racialized communities to attain positivity and break the odds.
– Overcome systemic barriers to support at risk youth and those criminalized by the justice system.

Keep6ix’s mission is to …

– Provide holistic and integrated capacity-building programs to youth involved in the justice system.
– Prevent youth from going down a disempowering path by providing one-on-one mentoring, career conselling and employment skills training.
– Promote healthy self-esteem in youth through core life skills counselling to help build on their communication, interpersonal and leadership skills.

Richard Miller: Founder - Keep6six
Richard Miller: Founder – Keep6six

Richard Miller is the Founder of Keep6ix and a driven community leader, dedicated to assisting underserved youth. After experiencing and witnessing misrepresentation, racism, corruption, and injustices experienced by black youth and minorities, Richard decided to establish Keep6ix. It is his passion to bring healing to individuals who have been through traumatic experiences, by ensuring resources and programming are available to prevent incarceration. Richard is an experienced and savvy entrepreneur, who believes in training and developing the next generation of young professionals. He believes that with a second chance, and the right opportunities present, our young people can thrive and become successful.

Rachel Xyminis-Chen
Rachel Xyminis-Chen

As a street involved youth, Rachel saw many of her friends & partner fall into the entrapment of the criminal justice system. Supporting her partner through his federal incarceration, was the turning point for her when she experienced firsthand the struggles of supporting an incarcerated loved one. Her passion for reform has granted her the blessing of working with Keep6ix an organization advocating and supporting individuals impacted by the Canadian criminal justice system. Rachel’s mission is to break the stigma associated with incarceration and to provide a safe space for families and loved ones to support one another through their journey.

You can find out more about Keep6ix’s via:


Please feel free to email us at dr.vibe@thedrvibeshow.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2020 Podcast News Award Winner – Canadian Ethnic Media Association
2018 Innovation Award Winner – Canadian Ethnic Media Association
The Dr. Vibe Show™ At “The Good Men Project”
One of the first Brand Ambassador’sCuisine Noir Magazine
Dr. Vibe – Producer And Co-host of Black Men Talking On WJMS Radio
Dr. Vibe on HuffPost Live – August 2, 2013
2013 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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