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The Dr. Vibe Show™: Live Tonight At 7 P.M. Eastern/4 P.M. Pacific – Kemi Jacobs “Ounce of Prevention (OZ)”

Ounce Of Prevention

Responding to the over-representation of Black and racialized youth in the criminal justice system, Delta Family Resource Centre (Delta Family) has joined forces with four Toronto-based community organizations – Urban Rez Solutions, Somali Women and Children, For Youth Initiative and Think 2wice – to deliver a new program entitled Ounce of Prevention (aka OZ).

This new program, live since March 2020, was officially launched at a virtual press event today, and featured remarks from John Tory, Mayor of Toronto; Jill Dunlop, Ontario’s Associate Minister of Children and Women’s Issues; Michael Ford, Councillor, City of Toronto; Shawna Coxon, Deputy Chief, Toronto Police Service; Kemi Jacobs, Executive Director of Delta Family, and other OZ partners. Funded by Public Safety Canada, OZ provides free counselling and support services to youth between the ages of 15 and 29, as well as to their families and caregivers, while in court, incarcerated and after release from prison. The program is also available to youth who are experiencing conflict at school or are vulnerable to gang involvement. Racialized communities include groups that have been marginalized by race.

“The aim of the OZ program is to create a Toronto where the future of Black and racialized youth is not determined by contact with the criminal justice system, says Kemi Jacobs, Executive Director of Delta Family. With OZ, we are proud to provide the community with a much-needed service led by a team of qualified professionals who reflect the communities served and who understand the value of culturally relevant support”, explained Ms. Jacobs Eligible OZ clients, whether the youth or their families and caregivers, must be residents of Toronto or the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Delta and its partners are committed to providing a broad range of services by telephone and online including:

● representation at video court proceedings
● support letters for court-related matters
● information and/or referral assistance with release planning for those exiting the prison system
● assistance to youth and their families seeking information on relevant programs and services available in the community
● free counselling for youth and their families
● assistance for coping with stress and anxiety
● general program information

OZ is based on the pillars of “pempamsie”, an Adinkra concept meaning strength in unity, readiness, and the program’s wraparound care system provides free services delivered by experienced family counsellors, justice and reintegration workers and a range of participating community agency networks.

For more information on OZ and the services it offers, please contact Delta Family during regular business hours at (647) 395-3737 or here.

Ms. Kemi Jacobs, Executive Director of Delta Family will be live on our show tonight at 7 p.m. Eastern/4 p.m. Pacific. Ms. Jacobs will be talking about Ounce of Prevention (OZ).

Kemi Jacobs
Kemi Jacobs

Kemi Jacobs is a visionary leader excelling in driving and supporting change, strategy formulation and team building. Renowned for the ability to lead by example, build consensus and communicate across divergent interests. Kemi became the Executive Director of Delta Family Resource Centre in 2014. With over 20+ years of community involvement, Kemi has been a leader in the non-governmental and public sectors, serving as the President of the Canadian Council for Refugees, Executive Director of CultureLink Settlement Services, Chairperson of the National Anti-Racism Council of Canada, Director of Housing at Toronto Community Housing, Chair of the Board at CAFCAN. Her volunteer works have included work on Rites of Passage programs and human trafficking, as well as a personal initiative on self-hate and self-love in the African community. With Kemi’s leadership Delta Family continues to address and unpack Anti-Black Racism through personal and professional development of staff, as well as direct work to support and advocate for Black and other racialized communities in the areas of education, child welfare, the criminal justice system, community work and food security.

You can watch the conversation live today starting at 7 p.m. Eastern/4 p.m. Pacific via:


You can find out more information about Ounce of Prevention (OZ) via:

Ounce of Prevention

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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