Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Live Tonight At 8 P.M. Eastern/5 P.M. Pacific...

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Live Tonight At 8 P.M. Eastern/5 P.M. Pacific – Leslie Loftis “Proposal For A White House Council On Boys And Men”


White House Coucil on Boys And Men Radio

Leslie Loftis Promo Equality Wars for interview full size

In March 2009, President Obama signed an Executive Order creating the White House Council on Women and Girls. “The purpose of this Council is to ensure that American women and girls are treated fairly in all matters of public policy,” said President Obama. Today, Dr. Warren Farrell is leading the charge of a new proposal, to create a Proposal For A White House Council On White And Boys.

Glenn Barker, Dr. Marvin Thompson and Dr. Vibe will be speaking with Leslie Loftis live tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern/5 p.m. Pacific about the Proposal For A White House Council On Boys And Men. The discussion topic for tonight will be JADA (jaded data) on society.

Leslie Loftis is a senior contributor at The Federalist. She has a J.D. from the University of Texas and a BA in History from SMU. Before becoming a mother, she worked as an admiralty attorney and as an assistant campaign manager in Houston. In 2010, prompted by her husband, she started writing an expat blog, An American Housewife in London. She became a freelance writer when they returned to Texas in 2012. Her writing typically covers parenthood, pop culture, feminism, law, and politics, particularly where they intersect. In addition to writing, she is corporate counsel for Hub Dot, a London based startup seeking to “revolutionize the way women network”; a member of and advocate for Leading Women 4 Shared Parenting; and, locally, legal research assistant to the Harris County Treasurer. She currently lives in Houston with her husband and four children.

All you need to listen to the conversation live is:

Desktop/Laptop: All you need to do is go to http://thedrvibeshow.com/ tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern/5 p.m. Pacific.

Tablet/Smartphone: Tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern/5 p.m. Pacific, please go to the “Mixlr” player at the bottom of http://thedrvibeshow.com/ and click on “Click To Play”.

During our live conversation, you have the opportunity to call in and share with us and ask questions via Skype. If you would like to do this, please call us at: doctorvibe42. If you get through, please be patient and we will get to your call as soon as possible.

You can follow and participate in the conversation via Twitter using the hashtag #WHCouncilBoys

Please feel free to email us at info@blackcanadianman.com

Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page at “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
Producer of Google+ Hangouts – The Good Men Project
The Dr. Vibe Show At “The Good Men Project”
Dr. Vibe on HuffPost Live – August 2, 2013
2013 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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