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The Dr. Vibe Show™: Live Tonight At 9 P.M. Eastern/6 P.M. Pacific – Richard M. Wright “Masculinity, Love And Liberation”

Richard M. Wright
Richard M. Wright

Richard M. Wright, MA (he, him, his) is a Jamaican New Yorker who lives in Florida. He received his Masters at the California Institute of Integral Studies, where he studied Expressive Arts Therapy. Richard also completed the Healthy Masculinity/ Bystander Intervention training with Men Can Stop Rape. Combining these skill sets, Richard created art-based workshops that foster consent culture and healthy masculinities with movement, drama and play. The interventions develop empathy, integrity, accountability, and a value for our own and each other’s boundaries and humanity.

Richard writes for Colorlines Magazine, where he explores themes of masculinity, love, liberation, healing, and accountability. He was also published in the very timely, groundbreaking anthology Ask: Building Consent Culture, edited by Kitty Stryker. As a cisgendered straight man, he strongly believes that it is important for him to be accountable and represent by doing this important culture shifting work towards a paradigm that respects the boundaries and humanity of ourselves, women, girls, non-binary folks, and everyone else too.

Mr. Wright will be live on our show tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Pacific. He will be talking about Masculinity, Love And Liberation.

You can watch the conversation live tonight starting at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Pacific via:


You can find out more about Mr. Wright via:


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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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