THE CONVERSATION is a concept by Carmen M. Colon and Kenneth L. Foote, hopes to be the template for a reinforceable bridge via freeform discussions between generations of young men and accomplished men of our community.
As it once was, during those days when our men played Chess, Cards or Dominoes and the young squires sat around and absorbed from their elders the ways of the world as it pertained to them, we wish to create a new rite of passage – one for the new Millennium.
We will be having some of the participants of the first of THE CONVERSATION series live tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Pacific.
Scheduled to be on tonight’s show are:

Mark Anthony Neal is Professor of Black Popular Culture in the Department of African and African-American Studies at Duke University, where he won the 2010 Robert B. Cox Award for Teaching. Neal is a former Fellow at the HipHop Archive and Research Institute at the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research at Harvard University.
Neal is the author of five books, including the recently published Looking for Leroy: Illegible Black Masculinities (New York University Press, 2013), What the Music Said: Black Popular Music and Black Public Culture (1998),
Soul Babies: Black Popular Culture and the Post-Soul Aesthetic (2002), Songs in the Keys of Black Life: A Rhythm and Blues Nation (2003) and New Black Man: Rethinking Black Masculinity (2005). Neal is also the co-editor(with Murray Forman) of That’s the Joint!: The Hip-Hop Studies Reader, 2nd Edition (2004, 2011).
Neal also hosts the weekly video webcast, Left of Black in collaboration with the John Hope Franklin Center at Duke University. Neal is the founder and managing editor of the blog NewBlackMan (in Exile).

Kenneth L. Foote, devoted father and Brooklyn Native is a bi-racial former Florida State Prosecuting Attorney who is currently a Pasco County Criminal Defense Attorney. Kenneth attended St Johns University and Majored in International Criminal Law as well as Stetson University in Florida. While he provides a myriad of services to the general public all over the State of Florida, it is his years as a former prosecutor and working within the Justice System that provides us all with the benefit of his vantage point.

Paul Mondesire is the Development Officer at The Twenty-First Century Foundation. “Our mission is to lead, innovate and influence giving for Black community change. As one of the few, endowed, Black foundations in the U.S., Twenty-First Century Foundation (21CF) works to advance the welfare of the Black community through strategic and collective grant making; special initiatives and research; donor education and donor services.

Brooklyn native Tywan Anthony graduated from Pittsburgh State University where he earned his degree in Political Science and was a standout football player.
Anthony, 29, works at Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation in the Financial Empowerment Center where he helps young people, the elderly and the economically disadvantaged population of Bedford-Stuyvesant learn financial literacy by equipping them with the tools that will guide them toward financial freedom.
Anthony also is a member of the local chapter of the NAACP, where he serves as chairman of economic empowerment; he is vice chair of education and youth and economic development for Community Board 3; he is a member of VIDA; and a member of 500 Men Making a Difference. He
is the founder of The BedStuy Crusaders, a semi professional football team operating in the Central Brooklyn area as well as a player.
The first installment of THE CONVERSATION will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2014 in New York on Saturday, April 26, 2014. The discussion will be available via video late spring – early summer 2014.
Please feel free to email us at info@blackcanadianman.com
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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
Producer of Google+ Hangouts – The Good Men Project
The Dr. Vibe Show At “The Good Men Project”
Dr. Vibe on HuffPost Live – August 2, 2013
2013 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2012 Black Weblog Award Winner (Best International Blog)
2012 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best Podcast)
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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