Filmed entirely in Toronto, “The Accidental Time Traveller” is the creation of Canadian writer Steve Kasan and Barbados born writer and director Rodney V. Smith. The 30 minute short film has been designed to serve two purposes, one as a standalone short film for entry into film festivals around the world, as well as a pilot episode into the upcoming web based series “Out of Time”. The World Premiere screening at Caribbean Tales 2012 on September 15, 2012 at the Harbourfront Centre in downtown Toronto, marks the first stage of the ambitious plan by Smith and Kasan to positively impact distribution for web series.
“The Accidental Time Traveller” stars Steve Kasan, Julia MacPherson, Robert Nolan and a large Toronto based multi-cultural cast. The film is a science-fiction story that follows the Kasan as the titular character Chris Allman in the quest to stop the murder of his girlfriend Sara (Macpherson). Always one step ahead of Chris is the coldly calculating Dr Osborn (Nolan) and his cronies (Katie MacTavish, Dave Dalziel and Brian Quintero), who all share the repeated mantra “whatever has happened, stays happened” and will do anything to stop Chris from achieving his goal. First-time director Shailene Garnett co-directs with the more experienced Rodney V. Smith who is best known for his former highly rated web series “Dominion”.
Tickets are avaiable through Eventbrite at http://outoftimeseries.eventbrite.com
“It’s an exciting new project and I’m glad to be able to have the first public screening in Toronto,” says Smith. “We’ve been looking forward to this next step since it is really about controlling our distribution of the series, and I’m glad to be able to get it started with CaribbeanTales.” This is be the second year of Smith’s involvement with CaribbeanTales, and this year he returns in the additional role of mentor/producer to the participants in the Incubator program for Caribbean filmmakers hosted by CaribbeanTales.
Program director and founder Frances-Anne Solomon: “Rodney Smith is one of the most innovative and skilled filmmakers from our region and we are delighted to be able to support his most recent project”. The Incubator Program is hosted the week before the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) and allows participants to have valuable exposure to TIFF.
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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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