The Urban Financial Services Coalition – Toronto Chapter (UFSC Toronto), the premier networking, professional development and community outreach organization for Black and other financial services professionals from diverse communities, is delighted to invite you to our 2012 Conference running September 27-29, 2012.
UFSC Toronto is aiming to deliver the most memorable Conference in the North American organization’s history, a legacy that extends more than 30 years. Our Conference will offer the most relevant slate of programming for a variety of audiences, including financial services professionals, entrepreneurs, youth and student participants, and community attendees.
In addition, we will host a Diversity Career Expo which will bring together major cross- border businesses and financial services organizations with globally-equipped financial services professionals.
This simple theme reflects our belief that our community must be poised to capitalize on the inter-connected nature of the global economy. Diverse professionals in financial services offer the perspective and expertise needed for business to thrive in this borderless world. Our programming aims to further equip our attendees with the skills needed to successfully position themselves and take advantage of opportunities in this new environment.
The UFSC Toronto 2012 Conference promises to be equal parts education, professional development, networking, community service and fun – we hope to see you in Toronto from September 27, 2012 to September 29, 2012!
We have Marlon Reid, President Emeritus of UFSC Toronto live with us tonight at 9:30 p.m. EST/6:30 p.m. PST. Marlon will be talking about the upcoming UFSC Toronto 2012 Conference.
For more information about the Conference, click on the following links:
UFSC Conference 2012 Conference
During our live interview, you have the opportunity to call in and share with us and ask questions via Skype. If you would like to do this, please call us at: doctorvibe42. If you get through, please be patient and we will get to your call as soon as possible.
All you need to do listen to the show live is to go The Dr. Vibe and Show Homepage at http://thedrvibeshow.com/ tonight at 9 p.m. EST/6 p.m. PST. You can also provide your comments and questions during the event via Twitter (@drvibeshow#DrVibe) and at our Facebook Fan Page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Vibe-and-Vegas-Show/155099174532923
Please feel free to email us at info@blackcanadianman.com.
Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr. Vibe Show” Facebook fan page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Vibe-and-Vegas-Show/155099174532923
God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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