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The Dr. Vibe Show™: Magin Johnson Exclusive CNN Interview With Anderson Cooper Over Donald Sterling


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Part 1 of 5

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Part 2 of 5

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Part 3 of 5

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Part 4 of 5

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Part 5 of 5

Magic Johnson did not mean to land in the center of the Donald Sterling scandal. He posed for a photo with Sterling’s friend V. Stiviano. She then recorded Sterling’s rant where he demands that she top taking pictures with African-Americans including Magic Johnson.

Things only heated up when Donald Sterling tried to explain those remarks during his interview with Anderson Cooper. Sterling launched a string of attacks against Johnson and called out his HIV status, his position as a role model for kids and even Johnson’s philanthropy. At one point Sterling said:

“He’s got AIDS. Did he do any business, did he help anybody in South LA?”

Last night AC360, Magic Johnson responds. He talks to Anderson about his charitable work, Sterling’s lifetime ban from the NBA, the future of the Clippers and much more. Magic Johnson also told Anderson that he’s praying for Donald Sterling:

“I’m going to pray for the man because even if I see him today, I’m going to say hello to Donald and his wife as well. I’m not a guy who holds grudges and all that. Yes, am I upset? Of course! But at the same time, I’m a God fearing man and I’m going to pray for him and hope things work out for him.”

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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