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The Dr. Vibe Show™: Michael Gurian “Proposal For A White House Council On Boys And Men”


White House Coucil on Boys And Men Radio

Michael Gurian Promo jpeg

In March 2009, President Obama signed an Executive Order creating the White House Council on Women and Girls. “The purpose of this Council is to ensure that American women and girls are treated fairly in all matters of public policy,” said President Obama. Today, Dr. Warren Farrell is leading the charge of a new proposal, to create a White House Council on Boys to Men.

Glenn Barker, Dr. Marvin Thompson and Dr. Vibe spoke with Michael Gurian about the Proposal for a White House Council on Boys and Men. Michael is one of the main architects who drafted The Proposal for The White House Council On Boys and Men.

Michael Gurian is a family therapist, child advocate, and the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty-five books, including The Minds of Boys, Boys and Girls Learn Differently and The Wonder of Girls.

Over the last twenty years, he has advocated relentlessly for boy-friendly research in the public dialogue. The Gurian Institute has provided teacher effectiveness training to over fifty thousand teachers in two thousands schools and districts.

Some of the topics discussed were:

– Why is the fact the boys and girls learn differently important for Proposal For A White House Council On Boys And Men
– Why politicians are not responding to the challenges that boys and men face?
– The recognition of and addressing the fact that boys learn different than girls
– The impact on boys when the majority of K-6 teachers are
– The importance of men being involved in boys lives during puberty
– How has Michael’s life impacted his research on boys and men
– What needs to be done in the political arena to further Proposal For A White House Council On Boys And Men

You can connect with Michael Gurian via:

Gurian Institute

Dr. Marvin Thompson can can be reached via:


You can connect with Glenn via Mankind Project Chicago via:

(312) 243-6743

1900W Fulton Street
Chicago, Illinois

You can follow and participate in the conversation via Twitter using the hashtag #WHCouncilBoys

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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