Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Monica O. Montgomery “Museum Of Impact”

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Monica O. Montgomery “Museum Of Impact”

Monica O. Montgomery
Monica O. Montgomery

Monica O. Montgomery is a cultural entrepreneur, who curates unique and interactive museum exhibitions that pop up in non-traditional and traditional venues. Monica believes museums should be in service to society. She is the founding director of the Museum of Impact the world’s first mobile social justice museum. Monica is the co-founder of and strategic director for Museum Hue, a platform advancing the visibility and viability of professionals of color, in museums, arts, and culture, and creative careers. Additionally, she is the director of the Lewis Latimer Historic House Museum in Flushing, New York. She is a Cultural Advocacy and Equity Program Fellow with NYC Cultural Equity Fund, an Innovative Cultural Advocacy Fellow with Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute, a Creative Community Fellow with National Arts Strategies and a We Are All Brooklyn Fellow with the Center for Community Leadership. And Monica is a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated.

Ms. Montgomery was recently on our show. During our conversation, she talked about:

– Her journey from Brooklyn to Philadelphia to Washington to New York and her reflections of each city especially her struggle attending Temple University in Philadelphia
– Why and how she left teaching to start her own mobile social justice museum
– Some of the people who have helped her along the way and some special moments
– How did Museum Hue start
– What are some challenges that she is dealing with
– Her message to people not of color and people of color

You can find out more about Ms. Montgomery via:

Museum Hue
Museum Of Impact
Museum Of Impact – Instagram
Museum Of Impact – Twitter

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
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