Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Paulene Harvey And Ingrid Atyeo “#NOHAIRSELFIE”

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Paulene Harvey And Ingrid Atyeo “#NOHAIRSELFIE”


Ingrid Atyeo is a certified Oncology Nurse working at Princess Margaret Hospital since April 1985. She has have worked on several units, for the last 15 years and has worked on Allo Transplant unit. She is also the President of the Nurses Union here at Princess Margaret Hospital.

Paulene Harvey was born in Jamaica and grew up in England where she received training as a nurse. Having migrated to Canada in 1983, Paulene began one of her most rewarding endeavors: Working with children, including taking care of a year-old child with a rare form of cancer, whom eventually became cancer free. Later, she was one of the “Canadians” who helped to free Rubin “Hurricane” Carter after twenty years of wrongful imprisonment in New Jersey, a story.

In 1994, Paulene, along with Rubin Carter, the other “Canadians” and a small group of dedicated attorneys, founded the Association in Defense of the Wrongly Convicted (AIDWYC), which has been outstandingly successful in exposing and overturning, many wrongful convictions, including those of Guy Paul Morin, David Milgaard, Steven Truscott and many others.

Paulene is co-founder, Creative Director, Community Liaison, Director of Community Projects and project manager of the successful Toronto-based hat company, Big It Up Hats International. Paulene is also one of the fashion consultants and Stylists for the company. As community Liaison, Paulene, through Big It Up Hats, has supported numerous community organizations such as Tropicana, LAMP, school fashion show, to name a few. Paulene was one of the founders and facilitator of the “Shoot With This” film mentorship program, mentoring at-risk youth in the Jane/Finch neighborhood of Toronto. Although she is no longer works as a facilitator, the program, now in its 6th year, continues and its success is well documented and celebrated.

In the fall of 2008, Paulene founded and currently facilitates the Scarf-Tying volunteer Workshop at Princess Margaret Hospital. She demonstrates fashionable scarf-tying techniques for cancer patients experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy’s side effects). Creating beautiful designs with scarves is an alternative to wigs. In 2013 she received her 5-year-voluteer Pin, from the University Health Network, Princess Margaret Hospital.

In January 2010, Paulene founded the very successful program called Youth In Time, supporting teenagers and young adults living with cancer. With the keen understanding that expressing oneself through the arts contribute to the mental, social and physical wellbeing of all people and the youth population especially.

Paulene took the Youth In Time program idea, joined with Gilda’s Club Greater Toronto, a cancer support facility, to bring film and photography to the young underserved group within the healthcare system. The collaboration is now called ‘Filming Ourselves’ and runs weekly from January to June at Gilda’s Club Greater Toronto. Paulene’s life has been remarkable for its divergent turns, all of which are expressions of her boundless energy, creativity, innate sense of justice and her warmth and compassion for people.

Participating in the #NoHairSelfie campaign gives us the chance to show our solidarity with Canadians undergoing cancer treatment and provides much-needed funds for cancer research at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world.

They talked about:

– What the campaign is all about and why are both them involved in this campaign
– The work that Princess Margaret Hospital does in regards to cancer treatments and cancer research
– The black Canadian community and cancer
– Why the campaign is important to them
– How can we detech and prevent cancer

To find out more information about #nohairselfie, please go to: http://www.nohairselfie.com/.

Please feel free to email us at info@blackcanadianman.com

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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