Lee Daniels’ movie, “The Butler”, which stars Forest Whitaker and Oprah Winfrey is getting a lot of favorable reviews. We thought it would it would be great idea to have a poll to see if you are going to see “The Butler”.
[socialpoll id=”13629″]
If you have an idea for a poll question, please feel free to email us at info@blackcanadianman.com
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No, I will not be going to see the movie about the ultimate house negro.I find little hope and no inspiration or solace in watching a film about a blackman showing quiet dignity and strength in the face of abject and persuasive racism.That Oprah has a prominent role in the movie seals the deal for me.I don’t think she ever wants blackmen to stand up and fight back.I will take Django- I have seen it 7x’s- over a movie like The Butler everytime.
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