Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show: Rehaset Yohannes And Raven Dauda – Rock.paper.sistahz 2012

The Dr. Vibe Show: Rehaset Yohannes And Raven Dauda – Rock.paper.sistahz 2012


The 11th annual rock.paper.sistahz festival is running from Fri May 4th – Fri May 11th . The festival has something for everyone with over 65 women artists of colour performing in theatre, dance, music and spoken word.

RPS provides a platform for a lot of Toronto’s theatre artists who have been honing their craft at the festival with stage readings of their plays in progress. b current’s recent smash hit Obeah Opera was born at a former RPS Festival, which was followed by a workshop production last year. In February Obeah Opera had it’s full stage world premiere in Toronto and received rave reviews across the board. The show has since been invited to the Caribbean and as far as South Africa.

Rehaset Yohannes (left) and Raven Dauda of Rock.paper.sistahz 2012
Rehaset Yohannes (left) and Raven Dauda of Rock.paper.sistahz 2012 – Click on photo to enlarge

Rehaset Yohannes is a studio artist with b current and Raven Dauda is an acting associate at b current. During our chat, they discuss
what makes Rock.paper.sistahz 2012 so special, a little about their background, their first performance, why they are part of Rock.paper.sistahz and b current so special and some of this year’s festival events.

For more information on the rock.paper.sistahz 2012, please click on the following link: http://www.bcurrent.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=138&Itemid=425

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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