Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ VIDCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show™: Shaniece M. Wise “Entrepreneurship And Your Gift”

The Dr. Vibe Show™: Shaniece M. Wise “Entrepreneurship And Your Gift”


Dr. Vibe talks with Shaniece M. Wise about Entrepreneurship And Your Gift.

Shaniece M. Wise holds the title of Mother, Entrepreneur, Personal Development Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Author. She believed that after graduating from the Ohio State University Fisher College of Business with two business degrees, that corporate America was her only option. After two years of being unhappy, unmotivated, and unfulfilled in her career as a Pharmaceutical Distributor, she happily closed the door on corporate America and went after her dreams.

Fourteen years ago, Shaniece stepped into her dream and became a fulltime business owner with one of the largest direct selling companies in the United States. Over the last fourteen years, she has traveled all around the United States teaching and coaching on self-motivation, growth and development, and how to live with expectation.

Shaniece and her organization in one year sold over $500,000 in retail sales. This was the year she got married, received national awards, and was at the peak of her game; never losing and always winning . . . until the unthinkable happened. Never in her wildest dreams did Shaniece think she would go through a divorce after two years of marriage, only to become a single mother and alone. In that moment she had to actually use the skills and techniques she was teaching others for herself. Her teaching and developing became her testimony. She had to learn how to encourage herself, bounce back, get out of debt, love again, and move past the pain of regret. She had to learn how to self-motivate, be a business woman, and be a mother. She had to learn time and emotional management on an entirely new level.

Shaniece has had to adapt to change and learn to move when God says move. She is currently transitioning from career to purpose. Becoming a Personal Development Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Author has allowed her to serve the universe with her gifts, which are empowering and developing.

May 2016, Shaniece wrote and published a workbook to accompany her workshop with the same title, Activating Y our Gifts. She teaches workshops all over the United States on how to activate your gifts and accept your authentic self. In this workshop, she teaches techniques on how to identify in life what makes you happy, what your true purpose is, and how you can serve others with your gifts and talents. She teaches you how to motivate yourself, leave the past in the past, and create an abundant life.

There are activities in the book that teaches how to develop personally so your professional life can thrive. She also published an activation activity CD titled “Working On You.” This CD has activities that complement the workbook. It involves activities that teach self-empowerment, aids in the development of time management skills, and focusing on being the 360 degree person God designed you to be.

In 2015, Shaniece received two national awards for the exceptional growth of her business. She works with customers and consultants from coast to coast. Her exemplary coaching abilities have provided a pathway to leadership for many women. These leaders are now flourishing and leading others. They have the opportunity to earn unlimited income, to build an amazing empire, and to strategically position themselves for greatness.

In 2016, Shaniece was featured in Speak Woman magazine. Shaniece believes anything is possible, and her favorite quote that she wrote is “Unstoppable is not what you do, it is who you are.”

Ms. Wise currently speaks and teachs all over the United States on different topics out of her book, Activating Your Gifts, which you can find Amazon.com and many other sources. Shaniece wrote this book for people who are not utilizing the gifts inside of them to their fullest potential as a professional or entrepreneur. “When you can truly operate out of your gift, not only do you grow, but the people around you have the opportunity to grow, which then transfers down to your community.” Shaniece says.

Recently Ms. Wise was on our show. During our conversation, she talked about:

– Some her background including walking away from corporate America at 24 yrs. old to a successful career with Mary Kay for fourteen years
– What did her parents instill in her and did her family handle her becoming a full time entrepreneur
– Why did she chose Mary Kay to enter entrepreneurship and how difficult wss it for her to leave Mary Kay
– How and when did she realized her gift
– What is one thing that is preventing entrepreneurs from recognizing their gifts
– Some differences between her female and male clients
– How has the world entrepreneurship changed
– The challenges she had writing her book
– How she deals with some coaching situations

You can contact Ms. Wise via:

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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