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The Dr. Vibe Show™: Dr. Wesley Crichlow "2011 Through The Mind, The Mouth, The Heart And The Soul Of Black Men"


Dr. Wesley Crichlow

During this episode of “2011 Through The Mind, The Mouth, The Heart And The Soul Of Black Men”, we speak with Dr. Wesley Crichlow. Dr. Crichlow is an Associate Professor (Tenured), Faculty Of Social Sciences and Humanities at the University Of Ontario Institute of Technology in Oshawa, Ontario.

In Dr. Crichlow’s look back at 2011, he talks about various subjects including the events in the Middle East, What does it mean to be a good citizen in society?, What is the new role of the Black women in the Black women?, What can Black men learn from Black women?, He feels that Black men have failed, his criticism of Barack Obama, that Barack Obama is a poster child for the rich and has failed many African Americans, what African Canadians need to do, how civilized countries are decaying but the Caribbean is holding it’s own, what does the Caribbean need to do, his concern for Black youth, the effect that technology has on the relationship between youth and their parents, that Black parents need to better connect with their children, how are going to measure the success of the Africentric school, what African Canadian parents need to do and what is he hopeful for in 2012.

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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