Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr. Vibe Show: Duncan Vignale – Part Two – “You Have...

The Dr. Vibe Show: Duncan Vignale – Part Two – “You Have To Put Pork Chops On The Table”


Duncan Vignale

We continue to speak and share with Duncan Vignale.

In this episode, Mr. Vignale talks about being the first Black man to join the electrical union that he was a member of, that a Black man having a trade is a good thing, his career in judo, the benefits of judo and how judo relates to real life.

Click on the following link to listen to our previous interview with Mr. Vignale http://thevibeandvegasshow.wordpress.com/2010/03/14/vibe-and-vegas-show-duncan-vignale-part-one/ .

Right Click To Download

Here is Mr. Vignale’s contact information:

Duncan Vignale Judo Academy
2 Hunter’s Point Drive,
Richmond Hill, Ontario.
L4C 9Y5

Phone: (905) 882-5907
Fax: (905) 882-9039
Email: dunchondo@sympatico.ca
Web: http://www.duncanvignalejudo.com/

Feel free to email us at info@blackcanadianman.com

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Vibe and Vegas


  1. Interesting and with such a positive attitude.
    Part two is of particular interest to me because Dunc speaks about his beloved sport – JUDO

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