Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr.Vibe Show: Junior Burchall – The Journey Of Black Fatherhood

The Dr.Vibe Show: Junior Burchall – The Journey Of Black Fatherhood


Junior Burchall

Colwyn (aka “Junior”) Burchall, Jr. is the author of two books, “Look for Me in the Whirlwind: A Story of Marcus Garvey” and “Freedom’s Flames: Slavery in Bermuda and the True Story of Sally Bassett”. He is currently working on his third children’s book, entitled “Freedom Song” tentatively scheduled for publication in 2011. He is also working on an anthology titled “A Song For You: Black Men On Father Hood, Father Hunger and Healing”. Junior is also the editor and sometimes contributor to the “Black Daddies Club Weekly” column is Sway Magazine at http://swaymag.ca/category/people-community/black-daddies-club/. The Black Daddies Club (BDC) is a Toronto, Ontario, Canada based organization that was founded in 2007 by Brandon Hay in response to the lack of forums and spaces for Black men to discuss parenting issues as well as the issues facing the Black Community as a whole. The main goal is to change the image of the black father in the media, from a neglectful figure to a responsible, involved and loving role model.

Junior was born in Bermuda and is married with two sons (six and two years old). He is now living in Toronto. Junior states “that my main existence now is being a father”.

During our chat Junior shares about his father being MIA since he was nine years old, how important his older brother and his mother were to him growing up, the pain of growing up without a father, what he thinks it takes to be a man, the conscious decision to have children and get married, the myths about Black fathers and where do they come from, the importance of Black fatherhood in Black children’s lives and “Father Hunger”. He also has a message on Black fathers for Black women.

If you would like to contact Junior, he can be reached at juniorburchall@hotmail.com.

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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