Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr.Vibe Show: Live Today (January 13, 2011) At 12 P.M. EST...

The Dr.Vibe Show: Live Today (January 13, 2011) At 12 P.M. EST – Dr. Kris March, Ph.D. "Where Is The Black Middle Class? You Don't Have To Look Far"


Dr. Kris Marsh

Dr. Kris Marsh is currently an Assistant Professor of Sociology, and affiliate faculty of the Maryland Population Research Center, Department of Women’s Studies, and African American Studies Department.

Kris Marsh received her PhD from the University of Southern California in 2005. She was a Postdoctoral Scholar at the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina before joining the faculty of Maryland in fall 2008.

Professor Marsh’s general areas of expertise are the black middle class, demography, racial residential segregation, and education. She has combined these interests to develop a research agenda. This agenda is divided into three broad areas: the black middle class, the intersection of educational attainment and racial identification, and intra-racial health disparities. The common theme in her work is decomposing what it means to be black in America by focusing on intra-group variability in regards to class, space, identity, educational achievement, and mental health.

Recently, Dr. Marsh wrote an article titled, “Where Is The Black Middle Class? You Don’t Have To Look Far”. To read this article, “Where Is The Black Middle Class? You Don’t Have To Look Far”, please click on the following link: http://bit.ly/ydxtw5

During this live podcast, Dr. Marsh will discussing this article.

All you need to do listen to the show live is to go The Dr.Vibe Show Homepage at http://thevibeandvegasshow.wordpress.com/ today at 12 p.m. EST. You can also provide your comments and questions during the event via Twitter (@vibeandvegas #DrVibe) and at our Facebook Fan Page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Vibe-and-Vegas-Show/155099174532923

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
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