Home VIBE AND VEGAS SHOW TAKES The Dr.Vibe Show: Why Should You Come To Podcamp Toronto 2012?

The Dr.Vibe Show: Why Should You Come To Podcamp Toronto 2012?


Podcamp Toronto

I am very blessed and really enjoying being part of the organizing committee and the community management team for Podcamp Toronto 2012 on February 25 and 26, 2012 at Ryerson University. The organizing committee and community management team are full of great people.

Here is my first blog post for Podcamp Toronto 2012, “Why Should You Come To Podcamp Toronto 2012?”:

“Why Sould You Come To Podcamp Toronto 2012?”

You may be asking, “Why should I come to Podcamp 2012?”

Last year, I had the opportunity to attend my first Podcamp Toronto. I attended many great presentations during last year’s Podcamp Toronto as well as giving a presentation, “People, Power & Social Media: How to go VIRAL!”, with a friend, Richardo McRae of Who’s Who In Black Canada. One of the cool things that happened by me attending Podcamp Toronto 2011 was meeting and being interviewed by Mark Evans (@markevans) of The Globe and Mail http://bit.ly/xIK7ch

So, here are my suggestions on “Why should you come to Podcamp 2012?”

1. It Is An Un-conference

Podcamp Toronto is a participant driven meeting of people who share similar interests in digital media. The participants provide the programming for the sessions. If a participant feels they are not learning or contributing to a discussion, they are encouraged to find a discussion where they can learn something. Participants are encouraged to exchange ideas throughout the conference.

2. A Gathering Of Experts

Podcamp Toronto is a diverse group of participants who are amateur and professional content creators and communicators. The presenters and attendees form a melting pot of new media – writers, producers, photographers, designers, podcasters, developers and bloggers. Podcamp Toronto consists of a diverse group of participants who are amateur and professional content creators and communicators. They have various talents and knowledge in the world of social media and are looking to change the way we see things, be it the online landscape or with the ease in which we communicate information toward others. Podcamp Toronto provides great insight from presenters who give recognition and access to important information.

You will get information on what people are doing in social media, what they have to say about the future of social media and that they follow your Twitter account back or retweet us when you @mention them.

3. New Space, Change Of Space

You need to get out of the office, your house or school. There is only so much that you can do online. Communicating with people face to face in an unfamiliar environment is better than being online all day. Communicating solely online is not good enough. You don’t know who you are going meet at Podcamp Toronto. A perfect example is that I did not know Mark Evans (@markevans) Podcamp last year.

4. A Great Place To Network

With Podcamp Toronto being a place with so many people who are doing or interested in social media, it is a great opportunity to network.

When is the best time to network at Podcamp Toronto? Before and after presentations and during the social event that goes on the Saturday night. One of the great events of Podcamp is seeing the great conversations that go on in the hallways!

5. It’s Fun

Podcamp Toronto is an event with great people, great information sharing, great learning and it’s free!!

Look forward to meeting you at Podcamp Toronto 2012!!

You can also read this article at http://bit.ly/Aq3caN


If you have any questions about Podcamp Toronto 2012, please feel free to email at info@blackcanadianman.com or you can go to Podcamp Toronto 2012.

Please feel free to email us at info@blackcanadianman.com.

Please feel free to “Like” the “The Dr.Vibe Show” Facebook fan page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Vibe-and-Vegas-Show/155099174532923

God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
2011 Black Weblog Awards Finalist (Best International Blog and Best Podcast Series)
Black Blog Of The Day – Black Bloggers Network – June 23, 2011
Twitter hashtag: #DrVibe
“The Dr.Vibe Show” Facebook Fan Page
Listen to the Dr. Vibe Show at iTunes


  1. You’ve given solid reasons to attend, Dr. Vibe. This year will be my third time.

    The unconference structure is especially appealing. There aren’t many places where attendees are expected and allowed to participate. Podcamp isn’t a place to sit and watch but a place to join in. We all make the event. We each have a different experience.

    — Promod

    PS I’m moderating a fully interactive session on Building Trust With Podcasting (http://2012.podcamptoronto.com/sessions/building-trust-with-podcasting)

    • Thanks for your response. You so correct in saying that “Podcamp isn’t a place to sit and watch but a place to join in”. I hope that we can connect during the conference. Thanks for your comments they are appreciated and not taken for granted.

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