Home DR. VIBE SHOW™ PODCASTS The Dr.Vibe Show: Dr. Vibe With Patricia Davenport From "The Harder They...

The Dr.Vibe Show: Dr. Vibe With Patricia Davenport From "The Harder They Come" Musical


The Harder They Come

Originally broadcast on August 24, 2009 …

I had a great opportunity come up last Saturday. I had the pleasure of interviewing the company manager of the stage production of the “The Harder They Come“. Her name is Patricia Davenport.

Like the 1972 film on which it’s based, the musical was written by Jamaica’s Perry Henzell.

Henzell died in 2006, but not before he’d written the script for a musical based on his tale of a would-be musician who becomes a wanted man in the mean streets of Kingston, Jamaica.

The film, with its track of famous songs such as You Can Get It If You Really Want and Many Rivers to Cross, was a long-running staple of Toronto’s repertory theatres. Its popularity grew as Bob Marley made reggae a household word in the 1970s.

It also helped make an international star of reggae singer Jimmy Cliff, who played the poor country boy who moves to Kingston to make it big as a reggae singer.

During the interview, Ms. Davenport tells us a little “The Harder They Come” and about herself. Enjoy!!

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God bless, peace, be well and keep the faith,
Dr. Vibe
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